Feb 27, 2017

1. Hide

I think it's really hard to start. So not used to it. I have no idea why am I starting to blog again. Maybe I'm lost. Or maybe I just needed to split it all out.

Life is sad,isn't it. Sometimes we thought we were something bigger ,but in fact we are nothing. We thought that dreams we used to dream of in the past would be something we will be doing now. But sadly. It's just a dream. Maybe not each and every of us are alike. But mostly we are. Do you like what you're doing now. Or you do it just because you are planning for better future?

I'm not being pessimistic. I just want to rant and rant because I couldn't do what I like. Because I'm afraid to dream. Well, it's not really a bad thing . At least we are on path like others, we get to study or gain some extra knowledges. But one thing, you lost interest. 

There's some part in life, I hope I would just give up. When you tried your best , but you're still lacking. I'm sure all of us experienced this before. It's just bad, really , really bad. 

I think maturity is what makes people change. Previously, I would just care a lot about how many followers I have on all types of social media. But now I wouldn't bother to even care about it. And now I'm not tied by any social media. But I'm able to spend more time on myself or on people I love. This was so much better than blindly following the latest trend for no reason. Not to judge, it's just my own opinion. 

Have you ever ... ever thought of what you will be in future. Have you?  To be honest, I don't. I don't dare to even think about the future when it's so suffocating to be a young adult. In our twenties, it is the age where people you love starts leaving. You are forced to face it because you're an adult now. You're not allowed to cry because you're an adult now. You're the one to blame because you're an adult now. See... in the past we used to hope that we can grow older to enjoy the freedom. But do you think growth is the beginning of freedom or actually it's restricting us from what to do , think or feel.

I think I'm finally done with ranting. Let's call it a day for today. And happy birthday to myself. You have done a great job. Move on ! 

(( feelings we hide ))